After Christmas, I took some holiday money I had received and ordered a Raspberry Pi, fully expecting it to be here in a month or so. Ordered the main board and a case from Element 14 on the 28th. It shipped today. I also ordered a 16GB SD card known to work with the RPi, a solid known good power supply and the micro wireless network card. I'm not sure entirely what I'm going to build with this right now, but two projects come to mind as starters:
- microMAME for playing on my main television, when the kids get bored of other stuff, toss in a throwback ROM. Maybe Standalone?
- microPBX Use the Raspberry Asterisk project as a springboard, get it working to verify it works, break it and fix it again.
- TV receiver, similar to a Roku box, but able to more easily stream my 'local' content.
- Port Fedora or some other Linux that's not already on it to it. This would be a challenge for me, but if I can pull it off, would be a great feather in my cap. Start by using the existing distribution to compile the fedora compiler, move from there. EDIT: seems the Fedora guys already have it there...
As of right now, I have Wheezy burned to my SD card ready for the actual board to arrive, which should be late Monday. I have a friends PC to complete this weekend and deliver, as well as some other opportunities to get some geek stuff done this weekend.
I'm game for other suggestions on pi Projects. I'll probably buy multiple SD cards so I can do more than one at a time as well. I'm working on some sort of infrastructure here so I can use git to keep everything sane. I'm going to start cross compiling for that processor on my current i386 laptop and see how much luck I have getting some stuff ported over the weekend.
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